Gentle Touch Baby Massage is designed for parents and /or primary caregivers, and all babies from birth to crawling, including any additional needs.
Learn the ancient tradition of baby massage strokes, including Indian/ Swedish massage.
There are 5 sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, which gives us plenty of time for things to go ‘at baby pace’ – this gives you space to change or feed your baby if needed – and ensure you’re able to practice each stroke well and make new friends over a snack.
Each week you will learn how to Massage the legs, reflexology on the feet, moving each week onto the tummy and chest, face, back and arms.
I will teach you the in-depth reasons behind each massage move to encourage you to use this at home.
The best time to massage your baby and how long.
During the sessions, you will learn different easy-to-remember songs to help promote their new milestones and relevant to the part of the body we are focusing on as well as promoting eye-to-eye contact throughout the massages.
‘Gentle Movements’ – these are stretching exercises which stimulate your baby when they are awake for long periods during the day. They also help with common problems like colic, trapped wind and constipation.
Tricks to help your baby with the discomfort of reflux.
The understanding and importance of tummy time.
The short IAIM colic routine, including an informal discussion.
Will cover how to stimulate your baby’s brain with a variety of sensory objects to help target the senses and encourage their imagination.
How to adapt the full body strokes for your baby’s individual needs, to the growing child so you may continue through the coming years.
Teaching you how to lead the massage when we have finished the course and sample story massages for the back.

Learn a better understanding of your non-verbal baby’s cues.
Stimulating and supporting your baby’s physical, emotional, eye contact and social development.
Research has shown positive results in greater weight gain and an increase in levels of alertness in premature babies.
Massage helps internal organs relieve and prevent tension in the intestine – colic, trapped wind, constipation, and tummy migraines in children.
Added support in class for your baby to be on their front, this will strengthen the baby’s neck muscles, back and shoulders.
Help flatten a tummy hernia within 5 weeks.
A healthy sleep routine to help your baby sleep better day and night.
Meeting other parents, getting to know each other and sharing parenting experiences in a relaxed home-from-home.
Helps stimulate muscle tone for hypermobility babies.
Help babies learn to accept and tolerate positive touch and this is especially the case for those who have been hospitalized.
Massage helps regulate tactile hyper - or hypo-sensitivity.
Helps strengthen the attachment between the parent and the Adopted or Foster child.
Massage advice can be helpful for children with additional needs too including Autism, ADHD, Downs Syndrome, and wheelchair users.