As part of your baby massage course, you will receive a
Gentle Touch Support Package, which includes:
A bottle of organic baby massage oil to use in class and at home.
You will receive a wipeable clear folder to protect your useful handouts discussed in class and a reference guide for baby massage, featuring all the moves we will learn over the next five weeks.
I will provide weekly personal contact, along with massage and exercise videos to practice at home, massage guidance, and support when needed. Plus, I will personally send photos capturing the special bond between you and your new baby.
Snack and a hot drinks.
When completing my Baby Massage Couse, you will receive a certificate to celebrate your achievement!
For detailed information on the week-by-week plan for this course, feel free to contact me.
There are no hard and fast rules as to when you start baby massage though committing to a course very early on with a tiny, baby, will probably be a challenge!
Baby massage can start before five weeks, but you may not be able to drive or feel confident to leave home so I can provide a service by coming to your home.
Partners or additional persons are welcome.
60 -90 minutes.
From £25 one-off sessions (price depends on the area you live).
Zoom classes are available.
It’s wonderful also to have twins and other multiple families attend my course, and it’s great to come with a member as it might be easier for you.
Twins are welcome at no extra cost!
Please note that due to the size of the venue, it may not always be possible for every parent to bring a partner attending with just one baby.

Small group sessions at
Stable Studio,
Rayleigh, SS6 9QW
5x 90-minute sessions.
Course dates are always updated on my Facebook and Instagram page.
5x 90-minute sessions.
£45 per parent.
Applicable to a parent who attended my course in the last 3 months.
Private friend classes Small group sessions
6-8 parents
5x 90-minute sessions.
From £60 per parent.
Private friend classes in the comfort of your home/s
From 2-8 people.
5x 90-minute sessions from £60 per parent.
Days to suit you, most areas covered.
One-To-One for families/caregivers who are not ready for a full-on course for various reasons.
One-to-one for families/caregivers needing support with a very young baby suffering from colic, reflux, trapped wind, constipation or generally unsettled. From 2 weeks old.
Refresher class, if you missed doing a course due to other commitments
and wanted to try something to help your baby relax. or not sure if you will like the idea of baby massage.
Each session can be tailored to your baby's needs, offering single consultations
to talk about a specific area of the standard package,
building up a whole body massage routine - over 4 or 5, 90-minute sessions.
From £25 for each session.
Days to suit you and most areas covered.